
Memory Focusing, Alzheimer's & Dementia

For Memory Focusing, Alzheimer's & Dementia:
For many adults and children with attention deficit (ADHD), the biggest daily challenge is paying attention - at work, in class, in the middle of conversations....Even the non-ADDer among us could benefit from some memory boost from time to time.  Your lifestyle choices make a big difference in your mental resilience.  Poor food and unhealthy daily practices are an unnecessary burden to your body including your brain - like trying to job with 50 pound weights. However, we all know that our circumstances are less than ideal and that we cannot always make ideal choices.  Medicinal herbs can overcome excessive amounts of stress and life style challenges to help you function at your best.

Sage Nature Wisdom Aromatherapy Lotion is packed with medicinal herbs that can help improve clear thinking, memory retention and focus.

Wisdom Memory Lotion is designed to help improve clear thinking, memory retention and focus.  It may be helpful for Dementia.  Naturally vegan, free of gluten, nuts, preservatives, and paraben.

Distilled water, Distilled Aloe (infused with Ashwaganda root, Hemp root, Kava Kava root, and green tea), Olive oil, Hemp seed, Rosehip, Evening Primrose oil (infused with Brahmi, Rosemary, Guto Kola, Milk thistle, Siberian Gingsing), Frankincense Essential oil, Lemon Essential oil, Thyme Essential oil, Melissa Essential oil, Rosemary Essential oil, and Spanish Sage Essential oil.

Check Ingredient Rating at: www.ewg.org/skindeep

1. Ashwaganda - 
Researchers at the national Brain Research Center (NBRC), suggested ashwaganda extract may reverse memory loss and improve cognitive abilities in those with the disease.  Intially, studies showed with Alzheimer's were unable to learn or retain what they learned, but after receiving ashwaganda for 20 days, their ability to learn improved significantly.  After 30 days, the behavior of the studies returned to normal.  Rather than impacting the brain directly, researchers found that the herb worked by bossting a protein in the liver, which enters the bloodstream and helps clear amyloid from the brain.

2. Sage -
Experts believe that sage contains active ingredients that boost the chemicals that trigger transmission of messages within the brain.  When scientists from the Universities of Newcastle and Northumbria tested 44 people by having them take either sage or a placebo, results showed that those given sage performed better in a word recall test.  They also suggest potential benefits or sage for patients living with Alzheimer's.  Experiments have shown sage bossting the same brain chemicals that drop when one is afflicted by Alzheimer's 

3. Brahmi - 
Brahmi is the top herb for rejuvenating the brain and nervous system.  It helps the left and right sides of the brain to work together.  Brahmi improves all aspects of mental functioning including the ability to learn new information, to retain what we learn and our ability to remember.  Brahmi supports our intelligence while reducing the effects of stress on the brain.

4. Ginseng - 
Researches have showed how ginseng appears effective for memory impairment.  Ginseng was shown to activate neurotransmitter activities that promote memory enhancement.

5. Green Tea - 
Green tea has always been known for its antioxidant properties.  And recent studies continue to verify this benefit.  In March 2013, a scientific research has confirmed that green tea extracts help shield proteins and lipids from age associated activities caused by oxidation.  Green tea also known to aid bad memory that have been clinically proven in many studies.

1. Frankincense - 
Frankincense essential oil has anti-depressant and immune stimulating properties.  The high sesquiterpense level stimulates and oxygenates the limbic system of the brain which elevates our mood and helps us relax (overcome stress).

2. Melissa -
Melissa essential oil has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and relaxant properties.  It is calming and uplifting and used for depression.

3. Rosemary -
Rosemary essential oil has antiseptic and anti-infectious properties.  Reduce mental fatigue and eases anxiety.

Sage Nature Bath & Body Related Products:

Handcrafted Soap Bar: Pure, Chomomile, Enliven, Allure, Rose

Liquid Soap: Tranquil Lavender Liquid Soap

Specialty Lotion:  Wisdom Aromatherapy Lotion

All Natural Deodorant: Lavender, Jasmine, BasilMint

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